
So close, yet so far – I forgot the assessment deadline, so I ended up failing. Wah wah, whatever. I hate law school.

There is a pile of laundry in the corner of my room – in the corner where the eggshell walls join up against the stiff wooden boards my landlord forgot to fix, even when I asked him 12 times to fix it. It’s not that tall, maybe 50cm tall – and probably heavy. It is so colourful. Buried within the pile somewhere sits the blouse gifted to me on my 23rd birthday – a white blouse with bright red polka dots. But the detergent I used made the polka dots fade to a washed out pink.

For 2 weeks, I have sat on my bed – also covered with laundry I forgot to fold – and I’ve just stared at the corner of the room. And there, sits cold coffee on my bedside table.


I lost my favourite shoes yesterday – maybe it’s buried under the pile of dirty clothes I forgot to wash. The pile just keeps growing and growing, each piece of clothing flowing over each other. I think the cup of cold coffee is still on my bedside table. I am yet to find the true meaning of that…

I discovered a new song. It’s pretty nice. I found it in my sister’s garage on her favourite CD. I forgot the name of the track, but it has a nice beat to it. It sounds like the type of song you’d listen to when you go on a road trip halfway across the country. Maybe I should do that. Then, I won’t have to fold my laundry.


I bought a caravan. It’s yellow and very spacious. It’s got nice red accents, a decent sized bedroom and SUCH a nice kitchen. AHHHH! I can’t wait to go on the longest road trip ever! It should take me about 8 months to go around the entire country.

I have so many mountains to climb, and so many places to see. I threw out the cold coffee, but I still haven’t folded my laundry. But I guess it’s okay, because I won’t be there to add anything to the pile. I also finished law school, but I’m not sure I really want to go through with doing law. I think if I take some time for myself, I’ll actually realise what I want to do.


Maybe when I come back, I’ll finally be able to fold my laundry.

Writer – Maria Secara
Editor – Sophia Oblefias
Artist – Jocelyn Chow

–August 2024–

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